Blackheads are incredibly offensive on the face; even though you have washed your face thoroughly and think you have removed them, they will see them flocking the following day. Suppose you’re looking to get rid of blackheads. In that case, the good news is: Dermatologist Zoe Draelos, in Durham, North Carolina, has found eight quick ways to treat blackheads, preventing them from reappearing, as well as how to handle if that hated acne still stays.
1. What causes blackheads?

Before you treat blackheads, you need to know where blackheads appear. Dr Draelos said: “Blackheads are a mixture of oil, dead skin cells and bacteria, put in the pores and seal the pores. After that, the mixture was slowly pushed towards the surface to be ejected; it came into contact with air, oxidized, and its head turned black.”
2. Are blackheads different from whiteheads?
Unlike blackheads, whiteheads have a thin layer of skin on top of them, which prevents them from oxidizing (this is also why whiteheads are usually wet, sticky and not black). These two types of acne are very different, so each acne needs appropriate treatment. In this article, we will show you how to get rid of blackheads on the nose and the entire face. These are the most effective ways to treat blackheads, so choose one and combine some of the methods outlined below.

3. Use anti-acne cleanser
Active ingredient acne Benzoyl peroxide works very well and quickly but causes discomfort to the skin, especially for dry or sensitive skin. Dr Draelos recommends using a cleanser with salicylic acid because it is not uncomfortable but still enough to clean the clogged blackheads. At first, you will not see the effect too quickly, but gradually you will realize the effectiveness and ability to help prevent new blackheads from forming by keeping its pores clear.
4. Distinct oils with Acid
“The mixture that makes up blackheads is very sticky,” Dr Draelos said. Every night, gently wipe your face with a clean cloth moistened with malic, glycolic, lactic, or salicylic acid. These ingredients clean up dead skin cells that get into the pores and break down the mixture to leave the pores in the skin.
5. Switch to using a facial scrub

According to Dr Draelos: “If you repair your face with a cleanser that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid for 1 month and still see blackheads appear, try combining it with a facial scrub. The quick movements of the brush when rubbed on the face will help loosen the blackhead mixture faster. If you have oily skin, use a daily facial scrub; if your skin is sensitive or dry, use a facial scrub twice a week.
6. Use clay masks to minimize oil
“Using a clay mask that can absorb oil once a week, every 10 to 15 minutes, will help control oil on the skin. The less oil on the skin surface, the less clogged the pores and the fewer blackheads appear,” advised Draelos.
7. Use an exfoliating product
With 25% AHA (alpha-hydroxy acid, such as lactic and glycolic) and 2% BHA (beta-hydroxy acid, like salicylic), TLC Sukari Babyfacial night cream serum will help regenerate skin surface by exfoliating cells. Dying is accumulating on the skin – one of the causes that clog pores. Wash your face clean dry, apply serum for about 20 minutes, and wash your face with warm water. Do it every 2 weeks (this is a substantial level); gradually, you will see blackheads disappear.

8. Add moisture to the skin
If you have tried many ways to treat blackheads, the chances are that they will dry out your skin, and contrary to expectations, this will make the skin more oily and more blackheads. So, besides treating blackheads, don’t forget to moisturize your skin.
There is no need for “heavy” moisturizers; you need a gentle moisturizer, such as Daily Moisture, a blend of witch hazel, glycerin, and algae, to help moisturize your skin. Of course, this product will reduce blackheads.
9. Get help from a dermatologist
After using all 7 methods within 1.5 months and your skin is not progressing, the blackheads are still there like teasing you, then you should find a dermatologist. They will use specialized equipment at the dermatology office to get blackheads or prescribe retinoids (like retinol) for you to speed up the elimination of dead skin.
Hopefully, you will get rid of the clinging of ugly blackheads with the above tips. With blackheads on the skin, you have no other way to persevere, work hard and find the correct method; gradually, they will have to disappear only.