To create pure essential oil from natural raw materials, such as lemongrass or citronella for steaming your room, please look at our detailed step in the article below.
As you know, with modern technology today you can easily find products of pure lemongrass essential oil with fresh citronella fragrance. The natural oil can be used as nourishing healthy hair, repelling mosquitoes and insects, massage, antibacterial to heal normal skin wounds, and treating flu. In addition, citronella oil can be combined with other essential oils to make the lemongrass essential oil, citronella… And here is how we begin to make citronella.
Ingredients: Prepare raw fresh lemongrass ingredients.
- 10-12 citronella peace
- 200ml of white wine (can use vodka, alcohol or vinegar)
- 200ml of water
The steps for creating pure essential oils are as follows:
Step 1: First, cut off the leaf, only take the root.

Step 2: Peel off the old skin, only take the white inside.

Step 3:
- Soak lemongrass in the mixture of water and wine. Do not forget to pay attention to flooding lemongrass, and do not let the lemongrass float up. This floating lemongrass part will rot, ruining your essential oil!
- Leave the lemongrass jar in a dry and cool place, avoiding sunlight for 3 days.

Step 4: After 3 days, you pour the mixture of lemongrass and wine water into a blender and puree.

Step 5: Filter the residue of fresh groundwater. Put the filtered water in a clean vial, cover tightly and place it in a dry place for 3 weeks to release the essential oil. After 3 weeks, you can gradually extract the essential oil to use.
And now after getting citronella oil products, which can be used to beautify, incense to prevent mosquitoes, especially recently dengue fever. You can combine aromatherapy essential oils with citronella oil to create a fragrance that both relaxes and repels mosquitoes.